Που θα βρούμε περιγραφές για τα responseCodes ?

Ποιά είναι τα response codes που μπορεί να πάρει μια συναλλαγή ως απάντηση από το POS?

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“00” Approved
“51” Declined By Host
“DC” Declined by Card (EMV)
“UD” Unsupported Card
“UC” User Cancelled
“LC” Lost Carrier (Communication Error)
“TO” Time Out (Communication Error)
“CE” Communication Error (Other)
“ND” Not Delivered
“NA” Host Not Available
“IM” Invalid MAC received from host
“JF” Journal Full – batch is need to be settledECR to EFT DLL ECR to EFT protocol Version 1.21.a Sonoma Page 24
“UN” Error – Wrong Transaction
“IS” Invalid Sequence Number
“ID” Invalid Transaction Data (Void)
“IB” Invalid Batch Number
“EC” Expired Card
“WC” Wrong Card (Invalid card used for Void)
“VT” Transaction already voided (Void)
“XC” Transaction is approved however EMV Fail appears on 2nd GenAC, auto-reversal is generated (EMV)
“RC” Error occurred during chip card reading or card was removed before whole chip checking performed.
“CL” Connection Lost: DLL received a approval from POS but after timeout no other message has been received from POS
“Y1” Offline approved. Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“Y2” Approval (after card-initiated referral). Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“Y3” Unable to go online, offline approved. Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“Z1” Offline declined. Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“Z2” Decline (after card-initiated referral). Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“Z3” Unable to go online, offline declined. Special response code for the interaction with the chip card.
“EA” Unknown authorization code
“NT” No Transaction found in journal to provide transaction details code